The Long Beach Democratic Club is a well-established Democratic Club with more than 40 years of history in Long Beach, CA. We are an officially chartered Democratic Club with the Los Angeles County Democratic Central Committee. The primary goal of the Long Beach Democratic Club is to activate the community in advancing the ideals and goals of the California and National Democratic Party within the City of Long Beach. We cover the entire geographic boundaries of Long Beach which includes all or portions of the 63rd, 64th and 70th Assembly Districts. Our monthly meetings feature discussions and special guests who share their perspectives on current issues and political trends facing our city, state, and country.
Club bylaws can be found here.
Club email: [email protected]
Twitter: @thelbdemclub
Instagram: @lbdemclub
2024-2025 Officers:
Greg Hollins - President
Jack Cunningham - Vice President of Programs
David Rosen - Vice President of Membership
James Ahumada - Vice President of Fundraising
Chris Thomas - Vice President of Finance/Treasurer
Paul Barragan-Monge - Community and Political Engagement Secretary
Christina Watkins - Recording Secretary
Christopher Chavez - Correspondence Secretary